Company Statement; February 2023

To our audience, with gratitude and the deepest care,

We know that this term-the past 6 months-  the past few years- have been difficult for us all in countless and incomparable ways.  

Many of us are moving through or walking alongside a loss or a grief.  

We are right there with you individually, as a company, and as a collection of characters and if we’ve learned anything from this process, it’s that healing takes a village.  

When we set out to make (although it was less of a making than it has been a meeting) this visit the thin place where could...we could never imagined the holding we would embark upon; not only for the story as it rose, but for each other, ourselves, and we hope tonight- even in the slightest bit- for you.  

We invite all your ghosts to join us tonight, to sit with us in story and ritual.  

We humbly welcome you wherever you happen to be and hope we can give you some space to be held and seen without judgement or trying to shift you.  

The theatre is its own thin place in a way, and we want you to be between the worlds with us as much as you are able, need to, or willing.  

Thank you for trusting us for a brief moment, we’re so grateful to have you.  

We offer dedication if you need it, to those you carry who have left you a bit too soon.  

Clever staging and choreographed physical theatre- a performance art feel-a gorgeous piece of raw folk emotion
— SMU Reviews
A decidedly effecting left-field work by a troupe seemingly with talent to burn.
— Mark Fernyhough Review
Utterly spiritual...a beautiful ritual to catharsis.
— Camden Fringe Audience Review

Photos and reviews

  • Edinburgh Fringe 2023

    Photography and. Review: Mark Fernyhough

  • Edinburgh Fringe 2023

    photography: Mark Fernyhough

    Review: Susan Sloan

  • Edinburgh Fringe 2023

    photography: Mark Fernyhough

  • Edinburgh Fringe 2023

    photography: Mark Fernyhough