Lambeth Fringe Festival | OCT 2
to 4 Jan

Lambeth Fringe Festival | OCT 2

Why can salt water sure anything? Sweat, tears, the sea…maybe because we are it and she is us and maybe she is constantly inviting us home.

Woven with memoir, Shakespeare, spoken word and story, ‘Bodies of Water’ invites audiences into one woman’s journey back to the waters of herself along the thread of hope and exploration that brought her back to the surface from the depths of a miscarriage.

This show is a new work of storytelling birthed in the ‘what happens after’ the grief; not only around the loss of a life, but the powerful awareness and connectedness this quite common yet silent wound seems to awaken in all of us around the unspoken pains in our world- dropping us into the rivers and seas of the communities that keep us afloat.

This piece is an ode to water as the blood of our bodies, the blood of this planet, and the most important and wise teacher in our world. A teacher worth honouring - saving, and in doing so, we just might be able to save ourselves.

This piece is an invitation, a prayer, and hopefully a gift that allows the audience to sit for a moment with someone rising up, and out, not in pain, but in ever floating hope. The show begins with the lights up, with the audience invited to an evening of storytelling with no bells, no whistles (not at first anyway) to experience a story the way people have been experiencing stories for centuries. Gently, humanely, and with no goal except to share space and memory and healing together.

Nicole has taken a very personal experience so common to women around the world and tried to offer it to audiences with compassion, joy, and a bit of canalboat- woman water magic.

In inviting audiences into a gentle storytelling space, Nicole explores the healing possibilities of retiring to theatre as a ceremony, maybe even a prayer. What can happen in the theatrical space when we allow it to return- even for a few moments- to the ritual it once was?

For Tickets and Venue Info CLICK HERE

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